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Free Jazz Fla­men­co project in Sofia

Article published from on 2011-06-13 10:49:00
Category: Lifestyle in Sofia

... Free Jazz Fla­men­co is a project of Span­ish pian­ist David Pena Dor­ant­es fea­tur­ing French dou­ble bass vir­tu­o­so Ren­aud Gar­cia-Fons and Bul­gar­i­an flut­ist The­od­os­ii Spass­ov. The trio will play in the Bul­gar­ia Hall in Sofia on 18 June. They will ush­er the audi­ence into the beau­ti­ful world of impro­vised and orig­i­nal music and will prove fla­men­co is an infi­nite­ly rich, not just tra­di­tion­al, gen­re.

The three vir­tu­o­sos will per­form the com­po­si­tion We Are Water The­od­os­ii Spass­ov wrote for the foun­da­tion by the same name. The audi­ence will be able to con­trib­ute to the cause.

The co-organ­is­ers, Jazz Plus, have pledged to donate one lev from the price of every pur­chased tick­et to sup­port the mutu­al project of UNICEF, UN Chil­dren`s Fund, and We Are Water foun­da­tion in the South and East regions of the Dem­o­crat­ic Repub­lic of Kon­go, Afri­ca. Activ­i­ty of great­est impor­tance there is to improve the access to drink­ing water, the hygiene, the sew­er­age sys­tem, and the chol­era con­trol in rural and semi-rural are­as...
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